Questions to Ask Previous Customers

1 Did the contractor communicate well with you? Could you reach him when needed? Be cautious when given vague or partial answers.
2 Were you pleased with the quality of work?
3 Did the crews show up on time?
4 Did the contractor stick to the budget and the schedule?
5 Did the contractor fulfill his or her contract?
6 Did you find the contractor flexible?
7 Were ALL agreements in writing? (Never settle for an oral agreement.)
8 Were deposits or payments ever requested in cash? (Always pay by check.)
9 Were discounts offered, for any reason, if you sign today? (Do not be tempted.)
10 Did your contractor seem genuinely interested in the project’s outcome? (If you feel your needs are not being heard, contact a different remodeler.)
11 MOST IMPORTANTLY…Would you recommend this contractor to your mother?